our story

Lemon & Lime is a writing community focused on creating fiction to better represent the world we live in today. Our focus is on telling feminist stories — in other words, stories for everyone.

Lemon & Lime started as a whim by women in fandom, coming together to make art and tell stories inspired by movies, television shows, books and games. In that space, we experienced (and still experience) so many positives: creativity, community, and content delivered to consumers at the touch of the “post” button for 12 issues.

While publication of our literary magazine is currently on hold, we currently operate a free community for writers and readers who align with our values.

Interested in joining? Request an invite today!

What We Stand For

Inclusivity, transparency, curiosity, thoughtfulness and self-expression. For fiction that makes you ache, blush, crow and cry. For stories that represent you — all of you.