stories by



Dev left London to get away from people. To breathe fresh, to see the sea. To mourn and move on. But Appledore had gifted him a different kind of ghost in George Potts.

Root, Bark, Bone

In a world of red earth and bone born from the salt and sand, the last dendrochronologist meets a man preserving something out of myth. A tree.


L is founder and editor-in-chief of Lemon & Lime. She loves em dashes, byronic babes, and alliteration. She spends her free time wrangling all of Lemon & Lime’s creators, and (occasionally) writing a few words herself. First fictional crush: Jareth from Labyrinth.

Become a Creator

While we’re not currently looking for additional creators, we do hope to add to our team of writers and artists as we grow. 

If you’re interested in knowing when we have an open position, feel free to drop us a line. Thank you!