stories by


Vaudeville Ramble

Micah didn’t like to speak ill of the dead, but he was finding himself quite angry at his fallen compatriot. The man’s death was proving to be very inconvenient for him.

Office Dwellers

There are shadows where there shouldn’t be, and glints of light in random corners, and sometimes the whole place gets this dappled look like it’s underwater. So Lety’s not too concerned when a shadow falls over her workspace, only to find there’s nothing behind her when she bothers to turn around.


Adrian writes for Lemon & Lime and loves horror, post-punk music, and the ocean. Adrian’s free time is spent sewing clothes and quilts, making zines, and visiting kitschy local landmarks. First fictional crush: No-Face from Spirited Away.

Become a Creator

While we’re not currently looking for additional creators, we do hope to add to our team of writers and artists as we grow. 

If you’re interested in knowing when we have an open position, feel free to drop us a line. Thank you!