
Issue 8 ✷ January 2021

Flora & Fauna

Life on other worlds—her ancestors would’ve thrilled at this news. But it was all the same, planet after planet, rock after rock. They would find water, and little tufts of plants, here and there. But never life. No fauna, no beings. Humanity had looked out to space in the hopes that it would be a mirror, and instead they had found a void.

Great Pacific Garbage Patch

A final solution to plastic pollution? Lab buddies Jane and Mandy are close to a breakthrough. But they’re young, and naive, and up against powers who will stop at nothing to destroy their work.


Bea27102890 lives a regimented life, and knows exactly one person who she can call a friend. Their lives get upended together, and what she learns shakes her to her core.

Go Between

“They don’t let you leave, you know. Once you join them, you’re theirs forever, compelled to ride as their leader wills.”

Aster first rode with the Wild Hunt when she was ten years old. Ever since, she’s always seen reminders of a world beyond mortal life. But it’s what she doesn’t see—and what she doesn’t know about that night—that will make her question what a life is truly worth.

Galactic Flora

“Galactic Flora” is the featured artwork for our Fantasy & Science Fiction issue from January 2021, “Celestial.”