
Issue 9 ✷ February 2021


“Untitled” is the featured artwork for our Romance issue from February 2021, “Butterflies.”

The Princess Commission

Joanna thought taking the commission for the future queen would be a stuffy, boring job. Her contract never said anything about finding in love in the process.

Gold Rush

“Funny,” he drawled, in a voice like smoke, “I thought you would kiss a hell lot harder than you punch.”

Or: An unstoppable force meets an immovable object during Manhattan high society’s Wedding of the Year.

You Love to Hate Me

Theo hates Duke Winters, the most aggravating frat bro on Earth, with his entire being. But when they’re paired together for a class project, he doesn’t seem too bad. Is Duke just using him to get close to Theo’s only friend, Angela? Or, even worse, could Duke be interested in Theo himself?

Let Them Hear You

Becks Kaplan didn’t have a good high school experience. Outed by her stepsisters at an all-girls school that purported more progressive politics than she ever experienced there, all she wanted to do was get away from New York City forever. But it’s been ten years, and there’s a reunion, and she wants to show everyone that she’s not that frightened baby dyke anymore. And maybe catch the eye of the former classmate she always wished she’d known better.


With nothing left for her at home, Ivy Barr joins the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry as an ambulance driver in the Great War. While in France, Ivy continually bumps into her childhood crush, William Dyer, now a sergeant in Rawlin’s Fourth Army. Together they navigate warfare and affection, and whatever comes next.